
  1. Cindy Hathcoat says:

    Love-Love-Love me some Doug & Emmy Jo!! I watched New Zoo Revue as a very small child in the 1970’s & also got to meet Doug & Freddie at a live performance in 1975 when I was 5 years old. Doug was exactly the same in-person as he was on tv! (And still is!!! He is literally a musical genius and oh-so kind!!) I adored Emmy Jo to no end & she was my very favorite character with her happy & nurturing demeanor, bright smile, bouncy hair & white go-go boots! I was so sad that she was not present at that appearance, but she has forever held a very special place in my heart over all these years~they both have! I was delighted when I stumbled across their NZR facebook page last year & completely overwhelmed when I got to see them in-person at a convention last year!! A very special day I will always remember!! They are seriously the most precious little couple you could ever know & Joanna is so wonderful to be sharing her beloved parents with all of her “New Zoo Siblings” haha! We all appreciate her so much!! I hope all of their New Zoo Kids get a chance to meet them!! They are so lovely & endearing! This was a sweet interview!!! It’s always more special when they are interviewed by a New Zoo Kid. Thank you! 🙂

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